Theatre and Business: 10 Training Points
As the founder and artistic director of a successful theater school I was asked to create a Executive Leadership Seminar conveying valuable lessons that a business leader could learn from an actor. Aside from the obvious points of clear speech, focus and body language I was intrigued by the deeper aspects of presentation, interaction and responsibility. Here
Agile Artists
Agile is the Buzz Word on everyone lips these days. But just to set the story straight, there is no profession more agile than than that of an artist. The Corona pandemic has left many musicians, actors and dancers jobless. Months and months of….No singing. No touching. No working in groups. No audiences. No live
Way Too Much Information
TMI = disturbing knowledge that feels unnecessary. ”Sorry, TMI
The New Breed – Remote Office Employees
Working at home became commonplace with the Corona pandemic. And as we enter the post-pandemic era many companies have incorporated WFH into their daily business. But there are many pros and cons in the new constellation of remote workplaces. People need people. Psychologists have discovered that we unconsciously interpret a lack of physical contact as a
Sensing – A Path to Authentic Self
In todays world maybe it’s more important that you are perceived to be authentic. But from my experience it doesn’t always work. People can sense the fake personality. Trying too hard presents a shell that isn’t the real thing. We feel it isn’t honest. Take note that I wrote feel it. It is similar to a dog
Put the Human back in Humanity
We all know that creative endeavors come from an intuitive source. As children we are open to all the stimuli around us. We simply take the information in that we experience and use it to create our world. But as we grow older we are influenced by parents, teachers and “molders” who begin to readjust
Coaching Authenticity
Authenticy Coach – Why me. Why now. Why this. Look around. We are in living in a time of turmoil. Change is happening and fear is being used as method of manipulation and control. As humans we need each other more than ever. We are searching for our identities. This explains Facebook, Instagram and Co. People
2020: The New Leader
Successful firms are led by executives who are able to connect to the workforce and the customers with a clear vision, integrity and a sustainable plan for the future. They are able to create a winning team and a successful culture. Exceptional leadership requires sensibility for outcomes as well as innovative ideas in tough situations.